Actions taken by UGLB and by the Charity and Mercy Foundation for dealing with the Pandemic Crisis of COVID 19
In order to meet the Covid-19 Pandemic crisis, which is a threat to the health of our nation and to the economics of the State, the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria has taken measures to help to overcome the crisis more successfully through applying all necessary actions as well as creating an organisational structure.
These actions are based on the fundamental masonic principles of Brotherly love, which leads us to take care for our families, our fraternity and our society; of Benevolence towards our Brethren and towards those in need outside our Temple; and Charity which supports the noble causes important for our nation.
A few days after the declared State of Emergency and the restrictive measures taken by the authorities in order to limit the spread of the pandemic, the Grand Master of UGLB, MW Bro Iskren Yotov sent his address to the Brotherhood of the UGLB in which he appealed for strict adherence to the directions of the state authorities and of the health services and also to give our support where there is a necessity and an opportunity to do so. He pointed out the ways in which we could maintain and continue practicing our masonic duties and masonic life, by supporting our Brethren and our families, while at the same time keeping everybody safe.
Each Lodge, as well as the Grand Lodge itself, organised their members to maintain closer contact with the Brethren who are vulnerable and in need of help and support.
Brethren were called on to create and support Charitable causes to help both those vulnerable to the illness as well as those already affected by the illness. They were also called upon to be active in their personal support by donating medical equipment and technical equipment, and also by donating funds for the needs of the Health Service System throughout the country.
For the better organization, coordination and efficiency of these activities, the Grand Master issued a Decree for the establishment of a “Temporary Committee for actions during the current state of emergency and the Pandemic of COVID-19”, which will operate under his guidance until the end of the crisis.
The Committee adopted the following measures and plan of action, which we herewith present in a resume:
- Measures for helping Brothers in need.
- Helping Brothers who are home quarantined, including those who are suffering illness.
- A campaign for gathering volunteers who will take care of the food and medication supply, as well as other necessary items for Brothers under quarantine. Every Orient will make a list, which will be updated daily for the use of the volunteering Brethren. The Foundation with the co-operation of the Lodges will organise the provision of PPE – Personal Protection Equipment – for the volunteers.
- With the help of the Grand Almoner and with the support of Brethren, doctors from the “Virtual Hospital” within the UGLB, a medical assistance service, will be provided to those affected by the virus in accordance with the regulations stipulated by the Headquarters for National Crisis.
- Helping Brothers who are home quarantined, including those who are suffering illness.
- Help for Brothers in need of a financial support.
- The order by which the Brethren could apply for financial support has been put int place.
- Charity campaign targets:
These include targeted charities serving health institutions, made by the Lodges as well as organising charity campaigns in answer to the specific needs which these institutions request.
To facilitate these activities, the “Charity and Mercy” Foundation opened a charitable account fund – “Prebori COVID – 19” * – into which donations and money raised by other means will be paid to go towards purchasing medications, disinfectants, masks, food and other items for those in need of help and support; not just brethren and their families but the community as a whole
As a reason for payment please write “Charity for Prebori COVID19”, detailing other specific causes which would describe the aim of the charity you support in Prebori COVID 19 fund.
Bank Account of “Charity and Mercy” Foundation
DSK Bank
IBAN – BG73STSA9300 0024 164 774
*Overcome COVID – 19